Monday, 23 May 2011

I don't mean to be mean, but honestly? It was one thing when it was just the colour, but lately Rihanna's haircut is even starting to vaguely resemble Ronald the clown. 

This pic of her is from last night's 2011 Billboard Music Awards. She's had bright red hair for a year now and I really think she looks silly. Just doesn't look right. I 
actually think that her new cut is nice. Way better than the huge extensions down to her waist, call me old fashioned, but I like natural hair colours on people but this just looks like it was found in a crayola box of crayons xoxo

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Charlie Sheen. Whatever you think of him. He’s a legend. There are not many people that can turn being sacked from a job as the highest paid TV actor on American television to his advantage, but he has. Whether you think he’s a genius or an idiot, you’re talking about him. He’s made his way into your head. You are on a drug called Charlie Sheen - whether you can handle it or not.
So he’s taken more drugs than most people. So what? John Lennon did too & he’s some kind of God. Why is it ok for him to be off his face on drugs but when Charlie does it he’s evil? Is it because John Lennon was a musician? Because he died tragically at the hand of someone else? Kurt Cobain is another one. He was so fucked up on drugs that he killed himself. But he’s a legend. I don’t see the difference.
Charlie Sheen is a talented actor. Even after the most insane parties he can get his job done better than most could do after an early night & 8 hours sleep. He says what he thinks & lives with 2 “Goddesses” who do whatever the hell he wants them to. Show me a man that wouldn’t swap lives with Charlie Sheen & i’ll show you a liar.
Charlie Sheen is living a life that most people are too scared to live. He likes to party, drink, do drugs & have sex with porn stars. He has more money than most people could ever dare dream of & he spends it to live a life that you would kill for. He’s alegend!
So what he slagged off his bosses at Two & A Half Men? I don’t know a single person that has never slagged off their boss at some point. He felt like he was getting fucked over, he decided to voice his opinions on a radio show. He got sacked - he wasn’t sacked over the allegations that he beat up his ex wife or any of the other stuff that has been everywhere. When he was hired as Charlie Harper they knew exactly who they were dealing with & what he was like - the character was based on him. They will crawl back if they want to continue with the show, because as good as the other characters are, they don’t work without Charlie Sheen  & no other actor will be able to portray Charlie Harper in the way he does.
He’s currently on tour, being paid just to talk about whatever he feels like stood on a stage. People can slag off the show all they want. He’s rolling about in the cash that has been paid for tickets. Those tickets sold without anyone having a clue what the show was about. People just wanted to see what he was going to do. That’s a legend!
He’s everything a star should be. He doesn’t just say what the media & fans want to hear. He says what he thinks. Whether you agree with what he says or you’re offended by it, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t try to fool anyone into thinking he’s something he’s not. You either accept it & love who he is, or you fuck off. I like that. That’s why I love Charlie Sheen, violently!

Monday, 16 May 2011

For as long as anyone can remember African Elephants were heavily hunted for their ivory tusks and that is wrong.
These beautiful animals are still on the Endangered Species List. It is hard to imagine an animal such as the African Elephant becoming extinct. It is so cruel that the African Elephant is hunted for their tusks and the fact their habitat is decreasing. 
Everyone should look into doing their part in the effort to save all of the animals on this list. Even if it is a simple tweet or posting something on your blogs! xoxo 

Jennifer Hudson is a true example on how people with “raw talent” always finishes first. She never gave up on her dream and always stayed humble even when the golden Oscar statue was given to her for her “best supporting actress” role in 'Dream Girls' 

Jennifer Hudson is a survivor and inspiration to us all. She remained strong and thankful to her fan base when times where hard. She is looking “lovely and amazing” these days and this young talented mother deserves it. xoxo

Make your own decisions, make your own mistakes. Learn from them. Judge the people around you from what you see & feel, not what others think of them. Be your own person. Have your own mind - an enemy of mine could be the best friend you’ll ever have.
Learn to accept who you are & be that person through good times & bad. You are who you are & trying to be someone else will never work. Accept the things you can’t change about yourself & embrace them. Improve the things you know you need to change. Don’t have people in your life that don’t bring you anything positive. They don’t deserve to be there.
Just as you can’t change who you are, don’t expect to change someone else. Just because you feel love for them does not mean they have to feel close to the same for you. They are who they are. You must accept that or walk away.
Life will never be simple. You’ll be tested in every step you take. But life is special. Don’t take it for granted, make sure you live it! xoxo
I am totally in love with Kim Kardahsian's style! A site called Barbi Belle sells one of the  Herve Leger dress that she once wore on a night out & I just have to get it. I love the look of bandages dresses and think they work well with every body type! xoxo

Saturday, 14 May 2011

So I have my first follower! I am so happy and full of excitement!! I cant wait to blog more and hopefully get some more followers =)  << My first follower ~ she really has an amazing blog xoxo

This is excellent value for money! A little goes a very long way. Smells devine & leaves your skin feeling so soft, was a whole new showering experience, the foam is awesome! 

I just love the japanese spa! The Hawaiian also smells divine!  xoxo
Rococo & Caffeine are also having a fab giveaway. Lush products! Everything from lush just smells devine!! Their giving away, The comforter bubble bar, Mint julip lip scrub, Melting marshmallow moment bath melt, Stepping stone foot scrub & Summer pudding soap. Yummmy! They all look amazing xoxo

So Shahada is having a giveaway on her blog. These lovely mac everyday essentials. Blush, Lipstick, Plushglass in 3 different colours and an eyeshadow quad!! I really need to get my self some followers so that I can start doing giveaways xoxo

Ok! So I have been looking everywhere for a lipstick that will last on my lips. Every lipstick I have ever tried never seems to last for more than half an hour! I even have a mac lipstick but that doesn't last either.

Anyway I came across these lip tar's on cocktail cosmetics & they look amazing! They have every colour!

The lip tar's are slick and glossy but dries to a satin finish just like lipstick & just what I need. I need to read more reviews to see if they are worth purchasing. There must be some sort of lipstick out there that is perfect for me & I hope this is the one for me =) xoxo

Friday, 13 May 2011

Been searching online & came accross a cosmetic store called cocktail cosmetics & found 'model in a bottle make up setting spray'.

Model in a Bottle setting spray allows you to seal your make up for the duration of the day. The product is smudge resistant against humidity, water or tears. Great for everyday use & I will definitely be purchasing this soon! xoxo 

Ok so this sounds crazy! But at night before you go to sleep, cover your face with a thin layer of sudocrem. I have recently started using it as I've started getting a couple of spots around my chin. It really does work & helps make your face look flawless! And if its good enough for Cheryl Cole then its good enough for me! £4 you can't really go wrong! xoxo

Well, I've decided to start a blog.  My blog is going to be a day to day journoul of what i want out of life. Celebrities, Fashion, Make up & much more. xoxo